Thus... Ends my brief two months as a Starbuck's Barrista experience officially!!
Except for the fact that I wrongly interpreted the time that my Starbuck's partner send to me a few days back (I was waiting at the doorsteps of New World Park's Starbucks at approximately 8.45 am, thinking that for my last day I was given the morning shift which is from 9am to 1pm when actually I was given the night shift which is from 9pm to 1am.), everything just went on smoothly and I actually finish all my duties earlier than usual as it was not really a busy night!!
So.. What are my thoughts and opinions after working in Starbucks with some of the top barristas for two months??
Well.. I can assure you it is NOT a walk in the park!! I never thought that being a barrista can be so HARD, I mean, I used to think that its all just about making drinks and stuffs so how hard can it be?? I never took into consideration the mockery and the scolding that I will received from the seniors once I started workin there!! Practically everyday I will get it from them and they can REALLY be UNPLEASANT. But I don't really blame them for it as it was usually my MISTAKES that kinda gives them the opportunity to get into SCOLDING mode!!
But, logically speaking, how can you expect a newbie like me to be as SKILLFUL and MASTERFUL as the senior barristas there, some of which have been working for years?? I mean I tried my best to follow their every step but you can't expect me to be as fast as them like so soon... right?? I mean... between all of them (around 9 partners, excluding me though..), they might have make about.. like what? 1000 or 2000 cups of beverages?? Of course they are already used to it!! The HECK they can even close their eyes doing beverages for the customers. BUT ME?? I don't think I even manage to make 50 cups of beverages during my time there... So, in my opinion, MISTAKES are sure to happen!! But it might differs with some of you guys who can take up SOMETHING OR ANYTHING today and MASTER it the very next day. (I sincerely RESPECT this group of people!! *salutes*)
Take this one time.. I forgot the drizzle (Just to make the drink look nice and identifiable..), I mean, sometimes SHIT do happen right?? You may know every SINGLE DAMN PROCEDURE like the back of your hand already but you kinda experience a sudden memory lost and just experience a total 'whiteout' for that very split second, which was what happen to me exactly and guess what?? Yup.. BINGO!!! You got it right.. I was given a vicious backlash by one of the seniors right at the counter, right in front of all the customers, right in front of that PARTICULAR customer that ORDERED the drink!! Everyone was basically looking at the free show that was happening at that moment and to finished things up, my senior even took out the beverage file and threw it on the counter for the added special effect!! But.. as usual.. I don't hold any grudges towards him because, like seriously, it was all because of my MISTAKE that gave rise to his tirades of remarks!! Don't get me wrong.. I still respect this guy but I just can't quite agree with the way he teaches or scolds people because it has been mentioned during our training lessons (Yup.. New barristas have to undergo a particular training program before they can actually be confirmed as barristas) that if a partner or partners (This is what we call our colleagues working in the shop) does something wrong, they are not supposed to scold them there and then right in front of the customers but to kinda do it BEHIND the shop. This was what kinda make me SAD.. call me a COWARD but his scoldings ACTUALLY gave me the PHOBIA of making drinks which later on became the HOT ISSUE among the partners in the store that I am running away from making drinks and stuffs such as I don't like being taught by people etc etc.
Here in my blog.. I can FINALLY RAISED MY DEFENCE that I AM NOT A COWARD and I AM NOT RUNNING AWAY FROM MAKING DRINKS and NO I NEVER, I repeat, I NEVER SHOWED THAT I DON"T LIKE BEING TAUGHT BY PEOPLE!! Heck.. How many times have you guys scolded me but did I ever even RETALIATE a single bit?? All that I did was carry on SMILING and NODDING my head because I know I am WRONG and I am GRATEFUL that I am being taught by you guys!! I mean.. COME ON.. Its not like I am a kid or something!! I am 22 yrs old for GODSAKE!! I know HOW to keep my TEMPER in check when I FREAKIN NEED to!!
Ok.. FINALLY I can let go of what I had been wanting to say for so long!! It feels GREAT, like a BURDEN has been LIFTED from my chest!! Since I have already said it out here.. I shall and will ERASED this unpleasant memory as a Barrista from my MIND!! And if YOU, yes YOU THAT GAVE ME THAT SCOLDING, are reading this.. I don't hold any grudges against you because I know you are just doing your job as a senior and I am thankful for what you have guided me through during my short time there!! Thanks..=)
In fact, to all those that manage to gave me a horrid time there, I don't hold any grudges against you guys!! You guys have been AMAZING.. and when I said that you guys were some of the best barristas, I REALLY DO MEAN IT!! I really learnt quite a lot of things there.. BUT maybe being a BARRISTA is just not my cup of tea, or coffee in this case!! But all in all.. THANKS to all of you that have guided me through the beginning of my 'STARBUCKS EXPERIENCE' and I will miss you guys a lot. Hopefully we can still hang out sometimes as normal friends and just NOT talk about coffee for a single day...
Specially to Lydia, Beng, Joanne, Liew, Jon, Keat, Cheah Ni, Rainee, Theing, Tatt
It has been a wonderful experience working with you guys although I do admit we did have our Ups and Downs but REST ASSURE I really am NOT HOLDING any GRUDGES against you guys because I fully understand that teamwork is a CRUCIAL FACTOR in an INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE like Starbucks and we ARE a TEAM when we put on our uniform, our appron and the cowboy straw hat!!! *wink wink* =P
Hopefully, in the near future we can meet under a different circumstances and just laugh about what happened during my time there and all the wrong drinks that I make which make you guys go 'alamak, why you so hopeless' !! =P
Take care y'all!!!
With regards,
Except for the fact that I wrongly interpreted the time that my Starbuck's partner send to me a few days back (I was waiting at the doorsteps of New World Park's Starbucks at approximately 8.45 am, thinking that for my last day I was given the morning shift which is from 9am to 1pm when actually I was given the night shift which is from 9pm to 1am.), everything just went on smoothly and I actually finish all my duties earlier than usual as it was not really a busy night!!
So.. What are my thoughts and opinions after working in Starbucks with some of the top barristas for two months??
Well.. I can assure you it is NOT a walk in the park!! I never thought that being a barrista can be so HARD, I mean, I used to think that its all just about making drinks and stuffs so how hard can it be?? I never took into consideration the mockery and the scolding that I will received from the seniors once I started workin there!! Practically everyday I will get it from them and they can REALLY be UNPLEASANT. But I don't really blame them for it as it was usually my MISTAKES that kinda gives them the opportunity to get into SCOLDING mode!!
But, logically speaking, how can you expect a newbie like me to be as SKILLFUL and MASTERFUL as the senior barristas there, some of which have been working for years?? I mean I tried my best to follow their every step but you can't expect me to be as fast as them like so soon... right?? I mean... between all of them (around 9 partners, excluding me though..), they might have make about.. like what? 1000 or 2000 cups of beverages?? Of course they are already used to it!! The HECK they can even close their eyes doing beverages for the customers. BUT ME?? I don't think I even manage to make 50 cups of beverages during my time there... So, in my opinion, MISTAKES are sure to happen!! But it might differs with some of you guys who can take up SOMETHING OR ANYTHING today and MASTER it the very next day. (I sincerely RESPECT this group of people!! *salutes*)
Take this one time.. I forgot the drizzle (Just to make the drink look nice and identifiable..), I mean, sometimes SHIT do happen right?? You may know every SINGLE DAMN PROCEDURE like the back of your hand already but you kinda experience a sudden memory lost and just experience a total 'whiteout' for that very split second, which was what happen to me exactly and guess what?? Yup.. BINGO!!! You got it right.. I was given a vicious backlash by one of the seniors right at the counter, right in front of all the customers, right in front of that PARTICULAR customer that ORDERED the drink!! Everyone was basically looking at the free show that was happening at that moment and to finished things up, my senior even took out the beverage file and threw it on the counter for the added special effect!! But.. as usual.. I don't hold any grudges towards him because, like seriously, it was all because of my MISTAKE that gave rise to his tirades of remarks!! Don't get me wrong.. I still respect this guy but I just can't quite agree with the way he teaches or scolds people because it has been mentioned during our training lessons (Yup.. New barristas have to undergo a particular training program before they can actually be confirmed as barristas) that if a partner or partners (This is what we call our colleagues working in the shop) does something wrong, they are not supposed to scold them there and then right in front of the customers but to kinda do it BEHIND the shop. This was what kinda make me SAD.. call me a COWARD but his scoldings ACTUALLY gave me the PHOBIA of making drinks which later on became the HOT ISSUE among the partners in the store that I am running away from making drinks and stuffs such as I don't like being taught by people etc etc.
Here in my blog.. I can FINALLY RAISED MY DEFENCE that I AM NOT A COWARD and I AM NOT RUNNING AWAY FROM MAKING DRINKS and NO I NEVER, I repeat, I NEVER SHOWED THAT I DON"T LIKE BEING TAUGHT BY PEOPLE!! Heck.. How many times have you guys scolded me but did I ever even RETALIATE a single bit?? All that I did was carry on SMILING and NODDING my head because I know I am WRONG and I am GRATEFUL that I am being taught by you guys!! I mean.. COME ON.. Its not like I am a kid or something!! I am 22 yrs old for GODSAKE!! I know HOW to keep my TEMPER in check when I FREAKIN NEED to!!
Ok.. FINALLY I can let go of what I had been wanting to say for so long!! It feels GREAT, like a BURDEN has been LIFTED from my chest!! Since I have already said it out here.. I shall and will ERASED this unpleasant memory as a Barrista from my MIND!! And if YOU, yes YOU THAT GAVE ME THAT SCOLDING, are reading this.. I don't hold any grudges against you because I know you are just doing your job as a senior and I am thankful for what you have guided me through during my short time there!! Thanks..=)
In fact, to all those that manage to gave me a horrid time there, I don't hold any grudges against you guys!! You guys have been AMAZING.. and when I said that you guys were some of the best barristas, I REALLY DO MEAN IT!! I really learnt quite a lot of things there.. BUT maybe being a BARRISTA is just not my cup of tea, or coffee in this case!! But all in all.. THANKS to all of you that have guided me through the beginning of my 'STARBUCKS EXPERIENCE' and I will miss you guys a lot. Hopefully we can still hang out sometimes as normal friends and just NOT talk about coffee for a single day...
Specially to Lydia, Beng, Joanne, Liew, Jon, Keat, Cheah Ni, Rainee, Theing, Tatt
It has been a wonderful experience working with you guys although I do admit we did have our Ups and Downs but REST ASSURE I really am NOT HOLDING any GRUDGES against you guys because I fully understand that teamwork is a CRUCIAL FACTOR in an INTERNATIONAL FRANCHISE like Starbucks and we ARE a TEAM when we put on our uniform, our appron and the cowboy straw hat!!! *wink wink* =P
Hopefully, in the near future we can meet under a different circumstances and just laugh about what happened during my time there and all the wrong drinks that I make which make you guys go 'alamak, why you so hopeless' !! =P
Take care y'all!!!
With regards,
(ex NOOBIE Starbucks Barrista)
工作有苦有甜,苦的当是教训,甜得是回忆,人生不就是如此嘛?you maybe have to thanks him scold u like that, because he want u to remember him mah...:)